La’ Miux Skin Therapist Dengan Formulasi Baru Membantu Melembapkan, Melindungi, dan Memperbaharui Kulit Wajah

Thursday, August 31, 2023

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La’ Miux Skin Therapist Dengan Formulasi Baru Membantu Melembapkan, Melindungi dan Memperbaharui Kulit Wajah  |  Hi guys! Lama tak bersiaran di sini dan lama juga kan tak share dengan korang skincare best yang aku guna. Ok, kali ni nak share la dengan korang skincare yang aku guna sekarang.. Alhamdulillah sangat serasi dengan kulit aku di mana sebelum ni kulit aku agak kering dan berpigmentasi. Pigmentasi ni biasa la ambil masa la sikitkan nak hilang.. Kena lebih konsisten untuk tujuan tersebut.. Yang penting kulit muka aku dah kembali lembap.. Eh, skincare apa yang aku guna? Haaa inilah dia La' Miux Skin Therapist membantu melembapkan, melindungi dan memperbaharui kulit. Jom aku story!

La Miux Skin Therapist

Jom kenal dengan La'Miux Skin Therapist dulu.. Ok guys, La'Miux Skin Therapist merupakan sebuah jenama penjagaan kulit dermatologi, menggabungkan sains dan tumbuhan semula jadi supaya sesuai dengan keperluan unik untuk kulit muka setiap individu. Penyelesaian penjagaan kulit yang efektif ini diformulasi di Perancis dan telah menjalani ujian dermatologi dan hipoalergenik untuk memastikan keselamatan dan keberkesanannya. La' Miux komited untuk mengeluarkan produk berkualiti tinggi yang menghasilkan kulit muka yang sihat dan berseri, sekali gus meningkatkan keyakinan individu.  

La’ Miux Skin Therapist Dengan Formulasi Yang Dipertingkatkan Dapat Melembapkan, Melindungi  dan Memperbaharui Kulit Wajah

La'Miux Skin Therapist memperkenalkan produk penjagaan wajah dengan formulasi yang dipertingkatkan. Direka khas untuk memberi pembaharuan kepada rutin penjagaan kulit. Sebagai sebuah jenama yang komited untuk meningkatkan kualiti produk, La’ Miux Skin Therapist telah menambah baik formulasi sedia ada demi memenuhi keperluan setiap jenis kulit wajah.

Dengan memberi lebih penekanan kepada kelembapan, lapisan perlindungan kulit yang sihat, dan keremajaan kulit, formulasi La Miux Skin Therapist yang telah dipertingkatkan ini berpotensi untuk memberikan pengalaman penjagaan kulit yang tiada tandingan dalam setiap sapuan.

Set La' Miux Skin Therapist ini ada 4 item kesemuanya iaitu :-
  • Natural Advance Crème (50ml)
  • Hyalu-mide Serum (20ml)
  • Rejuvenating Night Cream (50ml)
  • Sunscreen SPF40 (50ml)

Natural Advance Crème

Korang yang mengalami kulit kering dan sensitif boleh la try Natural Advance Creme ni sebabnya ia dirumus khas buat individu yang memiliki kulit kering dan sensitif.. Selain itu, krim ini juga mampu memberi kelegaan maksimum buat individu yang mengalami alergi atau kegatalan pada kulit.

Satu lagi, krim ni dihasilkan dengan formula tidak komedogenik berasaskan tumbuhan yang mampu melindungi kulit daripada iritasi dan masalah pori. Bukan itu sahaja  tau, malah dengan Fast Multi-layered Liposome Technology, bahan-bahan biologikal aktif mampu menembusi lapisan kulit untuk hasil yang maksimum. Ciri unik yang ada dalam krim ini ialah ekstrak Seaberry yang kaya dengan antioksidan untuk kulit muka yang kelihatan lebih sihat dan anjal. 

Korang jangan risau, Natural Advance Crème ini hipoalergenik tau, bebas dari sebarang paraben, pewarna, dan pewangi serta telah diuji secara klinikal untuk keselamatan dan keberkesanannya. 

Untuk cara penggunaannya pula, selepas cuci muka dan pakai toner, bolehlah apply Natural Advance Crème ini.. Picit sebesar saiz kacang pea je ye pada tapak tangan dan sapu rata pada seluruh muka.

Hyalu-mide Serum

Ok, produk kedua Hyalu-mide Serum.. Serum ni pun best tau.. Ia merupakan kombinasi unik serum dan pelembap yang mampu mengukuhkan lapisan perlindungan kulit dan memberi penjagaan intensif untuk kulit yang rapuh dan rosak. Dirumus khas untuk memulihkan fungsi lapisan perlindungan kulit, serum ini mengandungi ekstrak tumbuhan semulajadi, Yuzu Ceramide B, dan 3 jenis asid hialuronik untuk kelembapan dan hidrasi kulit yang maksimum. 

Sama macam krim tadi, serum ini juga bebas daripada sebarang pewarna, minyak mineral untuk kosmetik (mineral oil), paraben, pewangi, dan bahan steroid. Korang yang mengalami kulit kering dan kusam, selain kulit dengan tanda-tanda penuaan yang memerlukan kelembapan optimum sangat disyorkan untuk menggunakan serum ini.. 

Cara gunanya, selepas cuci muka dan pakai toner, just dropkan Hyalu-mide Serum ni ke muka dan sapu rata pada seluruh muka..

Rejuvenating Night Cream

Ok, untuk penjagaan wajah pada waktu malam pula aku guna Rejuvenating Night Cream ini.. Krim malam ini dirumus khas untuk mencerahkan pigmentasi, melembapkan kulit, dan melindungi kulit daripada radikal bebas yang mampu merosakkan kulit sekali gus menghindari tanda penuaan. Sebab krim ni berfungsi untuk mencerahkan pigmentasi atau lebih tepat memudarkan pigmentasi aku sangat excited menggunakannya.. Hehe..

Krim ni sesuai untuk kulit matang, Rejuvenating Night Cream ini mampu mengurangkan ton kulit tidak sekata, memperbaiki keanjalan kulit, serta merangsang penghasilan kolagen. Diperkaya dengan Ekstrak Seaberry Oil, Algae, Vitamin B5 Panthenol, dan Vitamin E, krim dengan tekstur ringan ini menjadikan kulit lebih lembap, halus, dan tanpa rasa berminyak. 

Cara menggunakannya, selepas apply Hyalu-mide Serum, barulah apply Rejuvenating Night Cream ini sebesar saiz kacang pea sahaja pada tapak tangan dan sapu ke seluruh muka."  

Sunscreen SPF40

Last sekali, Sunscreen SPF40 mesti kena ada dalam rutin penjagaan wajah.. Kalau sayang muka korang wajib pakai sunscreen.. Kalau korang sejenis yang tak suka pakai sunscreen, bersiap sedialah untuk hadap masalah jeragat.. Serius dulu aku pun tak suka pakai sunscreen.. Rasa tebal je muka.. Yelah dah banyak sangat lapisan skincarenya.. And up, muka aku ada jeragat.. Now, aku tak pernah tinggal pakai sunscreen bila berada di luar..

Apa yang bestnya dengan Sunscreen SPF40 ini, krim pelindung matahari ini mempunyai tekstur ringan dan tidak menyumbat liang pori, sekali gus memberi ruang kepada kulit untuk bernafas dan berfungsi secara normal sambil mendapat manfaat perlindungan daripada sinar UVA dan UVB. Tambahan lagi, krim ini juga diformulasi khas untuk mengelakkan bakteria jerawat daripada menyerang kulit muka. Berbeza dengan kebanyakan krim pelindung matahari di luar sana, tekstur La Miux Skin Therapist Sunscreen ini ringan dan berasaskan air, selain tidak melekit dan tidak berminyak. 

Ok, cara pakai macam biasa selepas pakai pelembap muka, apply Sunscreen SPF40 ini secukupnya dan sapu rata pada seluruh muka sekurang-kurangnya 15 minit sebelum berada di bawah sinaran matahari.

Jom Dapatkan La'Miux Skin Therapist Untuk Kulit Cantik dan Sihat!

Haaa korang yang nak kulit cantik dan sihat, boleh la cuba La'Miux Skin Therapist skincare ini.. Nak cantik kenalah jaga dari awal dan paling penting konsisten.. Kalau tak konsisten dalam penjagaan kulit ni, pakailah produk apa pun pasti tak mendatangkan hasil yang baik.. Tapi perlu diingat juga ye, setiap individu hasilnya tak sama tau.. Bergantung kepada keserasian kulit kita.. 

Untuk info lanjut tentang bran skincare ni, boleh terjah website mereka di :-

Ataupun korang boleh terus dapatkan rangkaian produk La'Miux di online store exclusive : dan di outlet Big Pharmacy seluruh Malaysia..

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Necessary Hiking Gear

Friday, August 25, 2023

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Hiking Gear That You Need 

When you go hiking, you need special gear so that you stay safe. You want to make sure that you take this gear with you whenever you hike. You will feel safer and more protected if you take these items.

You can get hiking gear in most sporting goods stores. If you want to buy hiking gear elsewhere, there are specialty stores where you can get it. You can do an internet search and find what you are looking for.

This article will give you a list of things you should take with you on this type of outing. It will give you a little information about hiking, as well. You can do research to find out more information.

Items You Will Need

The first thing you need is a good pack to carry everything in. There are many styles that you can choose from to meet your needs : For shorter daytrips, a small pack will do, but if you are going to be gone longer or overnight, you will need a larger pack. It needs to be largen enough to carry all the things you might need. 

You will need to check the weather before you go so you know what type of clothing you should wear. You want to make sure that you dress for the weather – you don’t want to be too cold or too warm. You want to enjoy your hike while not worrying about the weather.

You will want to begin with underwear that is moisture wicking. Your pants should come next and should be quick drying to keep you comfortable in case they get wet. A shirt can be moisture wicking, as well, but you want it to also be comfortable. You could also have a lightweight jacket and wool socks.

If you are going to be in cold or wet weather, there are more clothing choices you could have. This could include rainwear such as a jacket and pants and a warm jacket. You could also have fleece pants, mittens or gloves, and a warm hat.

Your footwear is just as important for your hike. There are many types of footwear that you could choose that can make your hike comfortable. There are hiking boots, shoes, and sandals to begin with. 

Food and Water

Of course, food and water are also very important. If you are only going to be gone for a short time, you won’t need much food, but you should always bring a lot of water. You can pack extra food just in case you get lost or injured.

You will need at least one liter of water per person per hour. Read here to learn more about that. You can adjust this amount depending on how long you will be gone, your age and abilities, how much you sweat, and your body type. You might also consider the length of the hike and the intensity of it.

Some of the food you could take with you might be trail mix, granola bars, jerky, and other similar snacks. If you are going to be gone for a long time, you might bring something for a small meal. Be sure to pack extra in case something goes wrong.  


If you are going anywhere that you are unfamiliar with, you should have something for navigation. You can’t always rely on your smartphone because there might not be cell service in some areas. There are other ways you can keep track of where you are.

A good, old-fashioned paper map is probably the best thing to have. You can get a map of trails at the ranger’s office or welcome building. These trail maps will help you if you decide that one trail is too long and want to take another.

You might also bring along a trail description and a compass. An altimeter watch and GPS are options that you can also bring along. There are smartphone apps you could bring, but you must remember that cell service will not be consistent.

Emergency and First Aid

You want to be prepared for the worst, so you should bring emergency and first aid equipment. This should include many things such as antiseptic wipes, antibacterial ointment, bandage adhesive, bandages, gauze pads, nonstick sterile pads, medical adhesive tape, blister treatment, ibuprofen, insect sting and anti-itch treatment, antihistamines, splinter tweezers, and first aid manual. These items can help with almost any emergency.


There is a lot of gear you need before you go on a hike. Food and drink are the most important. You want to stay hydrated to make sure that you don’t get sick while hiking. Your food can be simple snacks if you aren’t going to be gone too long.

You will need the proper clothing that includes jackets and the right type of shoes. You want clothing that is moisture wicking so that you stay more comfortable. All your clothing should be comfortable for the conditions that you are in. 

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Money Games Online Percuma di Mortgage Calculator

Sunday, July 16, 2023

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Money Games Online Percuma di Mortgage Calculator  |  Bila sebut sahaja games, mesti terus fikir ianya sesuatu yang melekakan.. Betul tak? Sebenarnya ada je games yang menerapkan konsep bermain sambil belajar.. Contohnya money games di Mortgage Calculator yang menyediakan permainan video money games online secara percuma untuk kanak-kanak.. Lagi best tak perlu muat turun sebarang aplikasi.. Boleh terus main secara online di website mereka tanpa gangguan sebarang iklan.. Itu yang bestnye.. Tak perlu risau lagi anak-anak tertekan iklan dan fokus mereka pun tak terganggu..

Kategori Money Games di Mortgage Calculator

Actually, aku dah explore games yang ada di Mortgage Calculator ni dan semuanya menarik... Antara kategori games yang ada dan boleh dipilih oleh anak-anak antaranya :-
  • Real Estate Games
  • Money Games
  • Cryptocurrency Games
  • Farming Simulation Games
  • Grocery Store Games
  • Restaurant Simulation Games
  • Business Simulation Games
  • Software Development Games
  • Office Politics Games
  • Environmental Games
  • Other Fun Games

Haiss ini bukan anak-anak je yang berminat bermain games di Mortgage Calculator ni, mak-mak pun berminat... Haha!! Semuanya best-best belaka.. Bolehlah jadikan bonding time dengan anak-anak.. 

Bagi aku kebanyakan permainan Money Games di Mortgage Calculator ni sangat bagus untuk perkembangan kognitif kanak-kanak kerana permainan interaktif yang ada kebanyakannya berunsurkan pengiraan dan melibatkan kemahiran berfikir.. So, melalui permainan ini, secara tak langsung anak-anak dapat belajar mengenai wang serta mengira tolak tambah dalam perbelanjaan harian mereka.. 

Cash Back

Ini salah satu contoh games yang bagus untuk melatih anak-anak dalam pengiraan wang.. Cash Back!.. Dalam game ini pemain perlu memberikan baki yang tepat kepada pelanggan dengan menggunakan wang kertas dan duit syiling.. Dari situ, anak-anak tahu nilai duit, berapa yang digunakan dan baki.. Game ini anak-anak akan melalui fasa easy, medium dan difficult..

Grocery Cashier

Ok, ini satu lagi games yang menyeronokkan dan agak menguji minda anak-anak.. Grocery Cashier! Aku sendiri pun macam blur mula-mula.. Last sekali, barulah faham dan onzzzz... haha.. Game ni anak-anak boleh berlatih menggunakan mesin daftar tunai secara maya dengan latihan tolak dan tambah.. Macam guna kalkulator jugak la lebih kurang..

Game ini agak mencabar minda.. Kena cekap dan pantas berfikir mengikut kemampuan anak-anak.. Memang agak menguji minda.. Tapi aku yakin anak-anak pasti sukakannya..

Jom Uji Minda Anak-Anak Dengan Money Games di Mortgage Calculator!

Banyak lagi games yang  boleh anak-anak cuba di Montgage Calculator ni.. Semuanya menyeronokkan dan menguji minda matematik mereka.. Bermain sambil belajar.. Emak Ayah dah  tak perlu risau anak leka bermain games yang tidak mendatangkan manfaat.. Di Mortgage Calculator minda anak-anak diasah dalam pengiraan..

Games di Mortgage Calculator ini sesuai untuk semua.. Dari kanak-kanak sehinggalah dewasa.. Jom kita sama-sama mantapkan skill matematik kita dengan money games online di Mortgage Calculator.. Percuma je tau dan tak perlu nak muat turun aplikasi.. Paling penting anak-anak tak buang masa secara sia-sia sebaliknya dapat bermain sambil belajar.. Dapat juga tambah ilmu kan.. Let's tryyyy!!

Jom try Money Games di >>>>>>>> MORTGAGE CALCULATOR

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Huawei Launches The Latest Huawei Matebook Series To Unlock All-Inclusive Smart Office Possibilities

Friday, July 7, 2023

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Huawei Launches The Latest Huawei Matebook Series To Unlock All-Inclusive Smart Office Possibilities  |  Huawei launches a new collection of Super Device in Malaysia featuring flagship laptops and tablets to unlock all-inclusive Smart Office possibilities. Key product highlights include the smart and stylish HUAWEI MateBook D 14 with 12th Gen Intel® Core™ Processor, and the powerful HUAWEI MateBook 16s with 13th Gen Intel® Core™ i9 Processor.  

The latest HUAWEI Super Device products are equipped with a multitude of cutting-edge innovations in aesthetics, display, performance, and interconnectivity. Meticulously designed to inspire limitless creativity while facilitating seamless communication, the HUAWEI MateBook Series is packed with upgraded HUAWEI Smart Office solutions for seamless collaboration and smart data sharing for improved productivity.  

The all-inclusive Smart Office features include the new and upgraded SuperHub, Smart Search, and Smart Conference features which further extends HUAWEI Super Device capabilities to more devices. The SuperHub for seamless cross-device file transfer, Smart Search feature for searching files on connected cross-devices instantly, and Smart Conference to bolster efficiency with AI noise cancellation and AI camera – bringing Huawei’s Seamless AI Life vision of “Boundless Creation, Seamless Communication” closer to reality. 

HUAWEI MateBook D 14: Next Generation of Stylish & Smart UltraSlim Laptop 

The new HUAWEI MateBook D 14 is engineered for excellence and meticulously tested for perfection. It features the iconic FullView Display, sporting a 14-inch 1080p Full HD IPS anti-glare screen, screen-to-body ratio of 90 percent display for a highly immersive viewing experience. With dual eye protection, TÜV Rheinland Low Blue Light and DC Dimming Flicker Free accreditations, prolonged viewing is no longer a concern as it effectively alleviates visual fatigue caused by extended periods of screen time. 

The HUAWEI MateBook D 14 also brings an enhanced Wi-Fi experience with the improved HUAWEI Metaline Antenna, using a new structure to stimulate more resonance modes and improve antenna performance. Born out of years of research and development, the HUAWEI Metaline Antenna is built with an optimized three-layered interference protection system – a set of unique methods and patent accumulation for an optimized metamaterial antenna design. The result is an ultra-long-distance connection of up to 270 meters. 

For a fast performance laptop that is lightweight and slim, the HUAWEI MateBook D 14 is packed with an impressive amount of power. Lightweight at only 1.39kg with a sleek metallic body, it is powered by 12th Gen Intel® Core™ Processor to deliver a significant boost to performance and adopts Intel®’s new 10nm SuperFin process, with 12 cores and 16 threads. Once its new, built-in intelligent system optimization, Super Turbo, automatically initiated based on users work intensity therefore it allows users to cope with any complex application scenarios.  

Designed to cater to users who prioritizes portability, users can quickly unlock and log into the HUAWEI MateBook D 14 desktop using the Fingerprint Power Button. It is also equipped with Smart Conference features to better facilitate collaborations everywhere and any time. The upgraded Personal Voice Enhancement, now supporting wireless earbuds and Type-C headphones, reduces distractions by suppressing ambient noise around the speaker and enhancing the user’s voice. This is made possible through AI identification of the authentic voiceprint of the speaker’s vocals, which is then processed through machine learning models and isolated in the audio output. 

HUAWEI MateBook 16s:  Professional-grade Large Screen High-performance Laptop

On the other hand, the HUAWEI MateBook 16s, powered with latest 13th Gen Intel® Core™ i9 Processor, inherits the 16-inch, 2.5K True Colour Touch Screen from previous generation with an upgrade on the brightness and clarity of the screen to 400 nits. This allows users to visualize work better or watch favorite films on a more brilliant screen, while easily navigating across files and pages with the 10-point touch screen feature. 

This high-performance, lightweight, large touch-screen laptop, is also packed with upgraded features such as HUAWEI Metaline Antenna for stable network connectivity that extends over long distances and Smart Conference with upgraded Personal Voice Enhancement. 

Adopting a hybrid architecture of performance and energy-efficient cores, the HUAWEI MateBook 16s is made for professionals and creatives who handle fast-paced, complex and multi-tasking work scenarios. Similar to HUAWEI MateBook D 14, the Super Turbo software on HUAWEI MateBook 16s will automatically activate to provide users an added boost when executing heavy-duty tasks and large-gigabyte files such as gaming, real-time rendering, and video clipping. 

Price and Release Date


HUAWEI MateBook D 14

HUAWEI MateBook 16s

Colour Options




8GB+512GB i5 12th RM 3,199

16GB+1TB i9 13th 

RM 6,999

16GB+512GB i5 12th

RM 3,399

Sales Launch

15th July ~ 13th Aug

Pre-order/sales launch offer

Gift worth up to RM858

Microsoft 365
HUAWEI Backpack
HUAWEI Watch fit

Gift worth up to RM1358

Microsoft 365
HUAWEI Stylish Backpack
HUAWEI Sound joy

offer period

15th July ~ 13th Aug

15th July ~ 13th Aug

Sales channel

HES / /HUAWEI Official Website/Shopee/ Lazada

HES / HUAWEI Official Website/ Shopee/ Lazada

For more information, latest updates or promotions about HUAWEI Smart Office Devices, please visit HUAWEI Official Website, HUAWEI Official Facebook page or Instagram

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Huawei Launches A New Collection Of Super Devices, The Matepad Series

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Huawei Launches A New Collection Of Super Devices, The Matepad Series  |  Huawei today launched a new collection of Super Device in Malaysia featuring flagship tablets including the all-new flagship HUAWEI MatePad Air for pro-level experience, versatile and functional HUAWEI MatePad 11.5-inch.

The latest HUAWEI Super Device products are equipped with a multitude of cutting-edge innovations in aesthetics, display, performance, and interconnectivity. Meticulously designed to inspire limitless creativity while facilitating seamless communication, the HUAWEI MatePad Series is packed with upgraded HUAWEI Smart Office solutions for seamless collaboration and smart data sharing for improved productivity.

The all-inclusive Smart Office features include the new and upgraded SuperHub, Smart Search, and Smart Conference features which further extends HUAWEI Super Device capabilities to more devices. The SuperHub for seamless cross-device file transfer, Smart Search feature for searching files on connected cross-devices instantly, and Smart Conference to bolster efficiency with AI noise cancellation and AI camera – bringing Huawei’s Seamless AI Life vision of “Boundless Creation, Seamless Communication” closer to reality.

HUAWEI MatePad Air: Flagship PC-like Tablet

Making its first debut in the market, the all-new HUAWEI MatePad Air 11.5-inch is a revolutionary addition to the HUAWEI MatePad Series. It is Huawei’s first tablet that supports 144Hz High-Refresh Rate with SuperRender on a 2.8K HD FullView Display, soaring 3:2 screen-to-body ratio, and a density of 291ppi for clearer image resolution; providing users with an unparalleled visual experience as well as seamless scrolling experience to level-up the work productivity in any work scenarios.

The HUAWEI MatePad Air 11.5-inch is specifically tailored for productivity on-the-go and creativity-driven professionals who value high-performance output in a sleek sand light and ultra-thin design of 6.4mm and lightweight tablet that weighs only 508g. Portability of the tablet is further heightened through its dual-earbuds connection feature paired with Huawei wireless earbuds – enjoy sharable listening between two people to support multiple work scenarios, be it meeting conference calls or video playback, anytime, anywhere.

Users can also enjoy the PC-level WPS Office on HUAWEI MatePad Air 11.5-inch to perform more complex office requirements than mobile apps. With the upgraded HUAWEI Notes app featuring a wide range of brush options, short-cut key, side-by-side notes, in notes search and the cross-app colour capture; fully unleash the potential and advantages of the app with HUAWEI M-Pencil and detachable HUAWEI Smart Magnetic Keyboard for seamless notetaking and personalized experience.

Powered by the all-new, user-friendly Harmony OS smart ecosystem to optimized Super Device feature, multi-screen collaboration between the laptop and HUAWEI MatePad Air 11.5-inch, in terms of secondary display and blazing-fast file sharing, can be done effortlessly. Besides using the tablet as a hub device, users can activate the HUAWEI SuperHub feature in the tablet for super easy cross-app storage and cross-device access – simply extract different sentences or images from multiple paragraphs and sharing them with different devices.

HUAWEI MatePad 11.5-inch, Most Affordable PC-like Tablet

The all-in-one tablet for all-rounded use, the HUAWEI MatePad 11.5-inch is designed to meet the needs for work, study, or leisure purposes. Its FullView display is certified with multiple eye protection authentications from TÜV Rheinland1. Packed with 120Hz refresh rate, the tablet enables a smoother viewing, a more responsive touch control, an undisrupted gaming experience and low-latency handwriting input. Its larger screen and Histen 8.0 quad-speaker stereo have fully optimized the audio and visual experience, gave a more immersive cinema-grade screening experience when watched a movie. The tablet can be used with a smart keyboard, mouse, and HUAWEI M-pencil to maximize working or learning, thus bringing productivity a leap forward in any scenario.

Price and Release Date


HUAWEI MatePad Air

MatePad 11.5"

Colour Options




8+256GB LTE 


6+128GB WIFI RM1,499

6+128GB LTE RM1,699


6th~21st July

Sales Launch

22nd~31st July

Pre-order/sales launch offer

Gift worth up to RM1098

Free Keyboard & Pencil

Gift worth up to RM998

Free Keyboard & Pencil

offer period

6th~21st July

6th~21st July

Sales channel

HES / HUAWEI Official Website/Lazada

HES /HUAWEI Official Website/Shopee 

For more information, latest updates or promotions about HUAWEI Smart Office Devices, please visit HUAWEI Official Website, HUAWEI Official Facebook page or Instagram

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